Start of Day
8:40am Bell students move to class.
8:45am Bell students in class ready to learn
First Session
8:45am–11:00am student and teacher class time.
10:50am-11:05am supervised eating time.
First Break
11:10am–11:40am student play time.
11:40am Bell- students move to class.
Second Session
11:40am–1:40pm student and teacher class time.
1:40pm–1:50pm student eating time.
Second Break
1:50pm-2:15pm - student play time.
2.15pm Bell - students move to class.
Third Session
2:15pm–3:00pm - student and teacher class time.
3:00pm Bell - home time.
Parade Time
Tuesdays: 2:20pm-3.00pm