The School has an active Parents and Citizens (P & C) Association that is very successful in assisting and supporting the School in many ways. The P&C provides valuable services to our community by running an Out of School Hours Care - Kidz Bizz, Uniform Shop and Tuckshop. These businesses not only help to support our children and families but also raise funds that go back into our school. The P&C organises fun and exciting events that the children love and also help to raise much needed funds to pay for projects like airconditioners, readers for our students, musical instruments and more recently, our Ninja playground.
The Executive Committee, elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) held in March / April each year, manages the affairs of the Association throughout the year and oversees the running of the Uniform Shop and Kidz Bizz (the Outside School Care program for the school).
Executive Committee & Key roles :
President: Vacant
Vice President: Morgan Stratton
Secretary: Darcie Touton
Treasurer: Rebecca Jones
Tuckshop Convenor: Jamie Cox
Uniform Convenor: Vacant
Kidz Bizz Director: Filomena Distefano-Peek
Meetings The Parents and Citizens Association meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 5:45pm in the staff room - Admin Building. All are welcome to come and be a part of a vibrant community.