School staff may administer medication to a student if there is a written request from the parent. Each request is filed in a Medication Register. All medication needs a pharmacist's label, clearly marking the student's name, dosage and times to be administered.
Administration of Medication to Students Suffering from Asthma
The recommended procedure is as follows:
Parents or legal guardians provide written permission for school staff to administer asthma medication.
It is a requirement that inhalers are stored in the School Office.
It is requested that parents submit an Asthma Plan at the beginning of each year. These plans need to be completed by your child's doctor.
First Aid
An adult with current First Aid Certificate will administer basic first aid to all students who report an injury at school. Each treatment is recorded in the School Accident Register. Where the accident if of a more serious nature, the parent will be contacted.
Illness at School
Students who become ill at school or have an accident that prevents them from participating in normal classroom activities, will be directed to the sick room. If after a period of observation, it is apparent that they are not well enough to return to class, the parents will be contacted. It is important that the School Office has current student records including emergency contact phone numbers. Please advise of any change of details as soon as possible. The school does not distribute or administer any pain relievers e.g. aspirin, paracetamol, unless there is written directions or prescriptions from a doctor.
In the event of a severe accident or sudden illness, the Ambulance will be called to attend to the child, and if necessary, escort that child to the nearest hospital or doctor.
As it is our policy to make urgent contact with the parent/carer or nominee in such cases, it is essential that you are diligent in providing the School Office with update to date contact phone and mobile phone numbers. It is essential that are files remain current and accurate.
Head Lice
Head lice, unfortunately now appears to be a part of our lives! They spread through close contact of heads or by using items such as combs, brushes, hats, etc. or an infected person immediately after they have used them. To try to limit the spread of head live, our school policy is that children do not borrow or lend personal items listed above. When occurrences are reported to the school, notes are sent home to all children from the particular group affected. It is essential on receipt of this note that you inspect your child's hair.
Infectious Diseases
It is better for children who are physically unwell to stay at home from school, remaining in the care of a parent, friend or family member. For more information consult the Queensland Health "Time Out" poster timeout_poster.pdf (703KB)