Kidz Bizz OSHC
Glenview P&C is proud to be the Approved Provider for the Out of School Hours Care program. Kidz Bizz offers before school care, after school care and vacation care. This service is open to all families with children from prep to year six regardless of which school they attend. Kidz Bizz is a popular service staffed by wonderful educators invested in the amazing place it is.
During the school term Kidz Bizz offers a nutritious breakfast and afternoon tea if the children would like. During Vacation Care, children are to bring a full lunch box to last them through the day - we find that it is best to pack more food then is usually packed for a school day.
To attend outside of school hours care at Kidz Bizz, please register via the XPLOR related link and complete the online enrolment form - please note that attendance is not possible unless the enrolment process has been completed. If your child has additional needs or medical requirements you will need to contact Kidz Bizz directly to ensure everything is in place for us to support your child's specific needs.
Contact Kidz Bizz via email to for administration or enrolment inquiries. Office hours are flexible everyday, however the best time to call would be between 10am and 1pm otherwise text or email is best: 0494 199 083.